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Monday, January 17, 2011

Babushka Rosa Dolbin’s Borscht recipe

Babushka Rosa Dolbin’s Borscht recipe…..


10-12 c.water or beef stock
2-3 soup bones with some meat on it
2-4 beef or chicken bouillion cubes
garlic powder to taste or garlic clove chopped(below)
fresh dill weed
olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
2 medium fresh beets, jullienned
3-4 medium potatoes cubed
3 large carrots sliced
1 onion chopped
1 clove garlic,chopped finely
1 can tomato paste
1/2 head of cabbage chopped
sour cream
crusty bread preferably black bread or rye

Fill a huge stock pot with water or stock(10-12 cups), add soup bones with meat, add 2 boullion cubes to start. Bring to a boil then add potatoes and let simmer for an hour. Meanwhile in a large frying pan pour in some olive oil to cover bottom of pan then add onions and garlic….let fry a little then add carrots, beets, cabbage and can of tomato paste and mix. Let ingredients cook stirring occasionally on medium heat till heated and mixed. Remove bones from soup, leave meat (cut into smaller pieces) then add all the ingredients from the frying pan plus meat. Add pinch pepper and add bouillion cube or two to soup if needed. Add chopped fresh dill weed to borscht. Let borscht simmer another half hour till all vegetables have softened. Serve hot.

Add a dollop of sour cream to each bowl, if desired and serve with crusty bread and butter. Will serve many…for days!

Monday, January 3, 2011

My Dear Little Mother, poem

Dear Little Mother
with a halo of
tubes, bags and dripping things,
a nestled raisin
among shiny steel mechanics.
Dear Little Mother
with whispered prayers
hanging overhead
in tongues, beeps and blinking lights.
Dear Little Mother
long-suffering queen
silently commanding care
for her every function.
So sedate,so still so serene.
Dear Little Mother
holy icon of
strength, stability, love and
lessons learned too late.
Dear Little Mother
robbed by this decrepit disease
draining life.
Promises made now lost.
My Dear Little Mother.

by Lucya Kotelewec Lebid
@3 Jan 2011

© 2011Lucya Kotelewec Lebid, all rights reserved

My Dear Mother just suffered her third stroke on the morning of Dec 31st.
affecting her functioning side. Hope and pray she comes through and gets back some of her mobility.